About Me

Welcome to my portfolio!

I'm a senior at the University of Maryland, majoring Aerospace Engineering. For the past Spring, I interned as a composites manufacturing engineer with Blue Origin, working on various composite components on the New Glenn rocket. For Summer of 2023, I interned with BAE Systems as a Systems Engineer on Trident Submarine operations.

During the school year, I am a advisor for UMD Loop, an all undergraduate student engineering team, and I conduct research at the CORE Lab under Dr. Norman Wereley.

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Interning with Blue Origin

Blue Origin is a major launch provider, delivering payloads to the Karman Line and back with New Shepherd and heavier payloads to orbit with its upcoming rocket New Glenn. I was a manufacturing engineering intern for the Composite Fabrication Team down in Space Coast, Florida. It was an amazing opportunity to learn more about the industry and composite manufacturing!

Competing with UMD Loop

I have been a core member of the UMD Loop engineering team since Freshman year. From building tunnel boring machines to now designing martian rovers, my experiences at UMD Loop have shaped my skill set and aspirations as an aerospace engineer.

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Technical Projects

Past projects that I have done throughout my time in UMD Loop, CORE Lab, and taking college courses.

Custom Screw Conveyor

Sub-assembly able to transfer spoils from the front to the rear of the tunnel boring machine by handling large chunks of sedimentary rock.

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Torque Testing Rig

Table-top testing fixture, quasistatically twist a pneumatic artificial muscle to measure torque and rotation that the PAM was able to react.

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